Wednesday, October 17, 2012

"I won't eat ANYTHING, so I won't grow any more!"

Vivian is black or white.  She alternates between practically crying, "I want you to HOLD me!" and "I want to walk."  She wants to walk in parking lots and when it is time to get into her crib.  She wants me to hold her when I need to cook dinner or must carry a laundry basket.  Complicated.

I read a sweet story to the little two before preschool today about the growth of children and flow from one generation to the next.  I got tears in my eyes at the thought of my children growing up and getting silver haired...meaning that I will no longer be on this earth.  Vivian was very concerned about me.  Henry said, "I won't eat ANYTHING, so I won't grow any more!  I'll stay little."

Evelyn is my kid who sees a problem and takes it upon her responsible little self to solve it.  She cleans messes.  She organizes books in office waiting rooms.  She vacuums basements and arranges toys on playdates.  Yesterday, she put away clean laundry (that wasn't hers) that was on my bed.  She said an entire rosary.  As an act of goodness, she made a birthday card for a little girl who has been making snide remarks to her at school.  She heard Vivian crying for me to help her at bath time, and listened to me explain I had to make lunches.  Ev started making a lunch for her daddy and herself!!  That's my after dinner chore, so I was overjoyed.  I got a text just after noon today, "Who made my pitiful dry sandwich?"  I called Robbie back laughing and listened to him detail his lunch....dry bread, one piece of deli meat, one slice of cheese - no mustard.  He had a sack of pistachios that he couldn't open.  I guess Ev found the remnant sealed shut ones.  She put a sprig of five grapes in a bag.  Next, she gave him five chocolate covered almonds and a yogurt.  I hope his blood sugar doesn't drop during surgeries this afternoon!  If nothing else, he can feel lucky that I make him such nice lunches each day.

Olivia checked out a new book yesterday, and she loved it.  She read and read after finishing her homework.  She missed bedtime she was so engrossed in her reading while snuggled up in a comfy chair.  I love it!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Son - Protector of Sisters

A lovely dress is hanging in my room waiting to be mended.  Olivia wore it in kindergarten, and it ripped at a wedding reception.  Evelyn will wear it to the ballet on Saturday.  It just hit me how long ago my oldest daughter wore that dress.  She's now in 4th grade.  In the same number of years, she'll be an eighth grader.  The next jump will make her a senior in high school. How does this happen?  How will her dresses transform over the course of those years?  Who will my child become?  I'm saddened by the realization that my little girl will grow up, even when every waking breath is spent helping her grow into the best version of herself possible.  Life is funny like that.

Yesterday a boy was trying to keep Vivian and Evelyn off the play equipment after school.  I gave them some time to work out the conflict, then I gently reminded the boy that everyone gets to share the playground.  Henry took matters into his own hands.  He climbed UP the slide.  He appeared next to the boy and proudly proclaimed, "Hey, (name), my classmate.  Those are MY sistuhs!  They get to play up here too.  Step aside, Captain!"  I was so proud of him I could have burst!!  The boy yielded, and the girls got to venture up to the top of the play set, which he had guarded as though it was his personal territory.  When I expressed my gratitude to my young son for protecting his sisters' interests, he said, "I will always protect them."  God bless Henry.

The funniest thing Henry has done lately involves clothing selections.  Here are his best outfits...

Red race t-shirt with lime green basketball shorts

Ironman costume (size 4-6) with Tow Mater costume on top (size 3T) - both have puffed chests!!

undies, PJs, football pants, baseball pants, and four pairs of basketball shorts = 9 Layers on bottom

Ironman costume with T. Rex over the top -  He put an Ironman face mask on the T. Rex's head.

My high point of the weekend was when we had the opportunity to go to a chapel to pray for a dear friend who was going to share the story of her life and faith journey with a group.  We gathered around her, placed our hands upon her shoulders, and prayed.  The big girls were at open gym with friends.  As I began the St. Teresa prayer, Henry and Vivian joined me line by line, and it was absolutely tender-hearted and moving.

May today there be peace within.
May you trust God that you are exactly where you are meant to be.
May you not forget the infinite possibilities born of faith.
May you use those gifts you have received, and pass on the love that has been given to you.
May you be content knowing that you are a child of God.
Let this presence settle into your bones and allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise, love, and listen.
It is there for each of us.