Sunday, October 9, 2011

Henry ate cereal with glue.

I have a terrible cough. I have a cough that starts and doesn't cease. This morning was my turn to serve as a parent volunteer teacher for Children's Church for 13 one and two-year-olds. I didn't think my friends would appreciate me coughing all over the room where the babies played, so this morning, after a fitful night of coughing while trying to sleep, I tried to find a replacement. My replacement turned out to be Robbie. "Will I have to change any diapers?" was his very serious question. He agreed to help me, but my confident and capable husband looked irritated and slightly unsure as he left the house. I handed him the timeline for the class, and he said, "What? We have to do a craft?" Olivia went to help him. Robbie is a good man, but today he was also a lucky man. His co-teacher was Mo, a very nice friend of mine. Three 8th grade student volunteers were present. Only three little children attended Children's Church in Robbie's room. He had a smooth sail.

I, on the other hand, in an effort to make it up to him, tried to have our traditional big Sunday breakfast ready when he came through the door. I forgot to get buttermilk for his from scratch pancake recipe, so I used a vinegar and milk substitution. The result was not like Robbie's. The kids gobbled them down, but Robbie and I were sorely disappointed. Henry took the craft project from Children's Church, and he ate ten fruit loops that Olivia had glued to two trees on a sheet of paper. Really, Henry? You ate glued cereal, and then you didn't stop at just one or two?

Henry's hair grew quite long. It was so long, in fact, that I thought he looked like a surfer boy. Robbie took him to the barber shop yesterday, and they had to wait (with the big girls too) for a long time. One old guy was cutting hair, and Robbie described a long row of seated gentlemen waiting for a turn. Robbie told me that right before the end of Robbie's cut, Henry started saying this little chant that he learned from the Wojo boys. It includes hand movements similar to the Macarena. Robbie heard him start, "Oh, MY GOSH! I think I broke a ...," at which point Robbie said a loud, "HENRY!" before Henry could finish with a high pitched, "nail." He said he was mortified. Henry was asked to sing a song recently, and he belted, "You always can't get what you wa-antt!" over and over again. I guess we should sing that line to poor Robbie.

Olivia has been having some trouble getting up in the morning for school. This week she promised me that since I took her to a library to listen to a children's book author speak late into the evening, she would get right out of bed the next day with full cooperation. She got out of bed, but she decided to lie down outside her bedroom door on the floor of the hallway in the dark in the six o'clock hour. I flipped off my bedroom light before I left the room to try to avoid waking Vivian by letting light spill into the hall, and I stepped on Olivia's neck. I am so thankful that I didn't seriously injure her. I stepped on something, lost my balance, fell, stepped on something else in the dark, and finally realized it was Olivia. She has a red mark under her ear lobe, and I don't think she'll do that again soon.

Baby Vivian is now 20 months. She has been nodding super big, and her word strings are long and clear. I love it. Olivia said, "Mom, baby is four months from being two." Wow! Another HUGE wow is that after I unfastened Henry from his car seat this week he helped me by unbuckling baby Vivian from her five-point harness car seat. He put his hands under her arms and lifted her out of her seat. I jumped up and down with excitement. Our one car garage requires me to crawl in and out of the van to get Vivian in place, so Henry's help was huge.

Evelyn has had a cough too, and it gets the worst at night. I was up with her in the middle of the night three times this week giving her nebulizer breathing treatments. It was nice, quiet snuggle time, but it has caught up with me. I am old tired mama. Thankfully, when I just told Olivia to lay out her clothes for school in preparation for tomorrow morning, she reminded me that we have no school tomorrow. Thank you, Columbus.