My little brother, Anthony, is in town from Dallas. His visits are always fun. Today, Robbie is out of state attending a funeral, so I had to take the children to mass without him. We participate in a ministry at church in which our family sometimes offers the gifts before the Eucharist is prepared. Anything that involves carrying bread, wine, water, and a basket of money with Henry and a baby involved can get tricky. I told Anthony that I could really use his help, and he agreed. During mass Henry was his normal 2-year-old self, which in hour-long Catholic mass terms translates to "difficult". Anthony and I passed the baby back and forth between us, and we took turns redirecting Henry. Luckily, Vivian goes to Uncle Anthony as easily as she goes to her dad, so she was happy with either of us holding her. She patted Anthny's beard and put her blanket on his head. It was very sweet. When it was our time to carry the gifts to the priest, the usher handed Henry a crystal container with an open top that was full of water. I think I took in a deep breath when I saw his thick paws grasp that fragile object. The guy had second thoughts and tried to take the crystal back to give it to Evelyn. It became clear that Henry would erupt in a great display of sadness if forced to relinquish possesion of such a cool object, so we just went with it. I said, "We'll all just have to pray," and I wasn't even kidding. My heart pounded as I followed my small son toward the altar. He held the bottle carefully, but he sometimes lifted it upward, and I feared it would spill. What then? I figured I'd find out if I had to find out. God smiled upon us, and we made it to Father Greg. Henry even handed the water over to him without incident. We bowed and returned to our seats. All's well that ends well, but I thought to myself, "This isn't the usher's first rodeo. Why did he hand something breakable to a little guy like Henry?" I was thankful for Anthony's help. After mass we attended the Catholic Schools Week Open House, and we toured various classrooms. I was set to volunteer an hour to assist the parents who visited that classroom. With Robbie out of town I needed Anthony to help me with the children. I asked him to load them into the van, drive them home, feed them lunch, and put them down for naptime. He said, "Even her?" as he pointed to the baby. Even Vivian. Ant did it. He had two of them in their beds when I got home, and he was finishing feeding the baby. When I told the preschool teachers about it they said it was good practice for him.
I love being a mommy. While I've been blogging, Miss Evelyn has been creating another art project for me. It has brown curly hair, big blue eyes, and a cute body. She says it is my Christmas present. I love it. I love her too.
Today we ate homemade whole wheat blueberry muffins shaped like dinosaurs. The kids and Anthony thought they were yummy, and as I've said before, I felt like a good mommy for making healthy muffins. So very silly, but true.
Last night Anthony asked Henry if he's a big boy. Henry said, "Not yet." Henry has been so cute. He wants to kiss Vivian after she nurses, and he peeks his little face up to the crib slats. She giggles and kisses him back, then he offers baby T. Rex, Ev's pink baby bear, and a stuffed animal dog. Baby kisses those too with her mouth wide open. Their affection for one another is so endearing. I love watching them lovingly respond to one another. It sure beats the fighting that goes on half the time between my big girls. That said, they were gold star girls during mass. I was thankful.
I'm thankful for time with Anthony too. The kids have eaten his PEZ and Girl Scout cookies. They have played outside in the snow with him. He has laughed with them a lot. He took Vivian for me at bedtime the other night, and I heard him laughing in her room. He came out with a half naked girl and said, "I can't get her shirt off. She won't put her arms up." Olivia helped him. When he finally emerged with her in PJs he reported that on his first try he put them on backwards. On his second try he put her right arm in the left sleeve, and she was all twisted. He said she just went with it and looked at him like, "You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?" He gave her a dry diaper, and snapped her just right. His difficulties made me smile.
I hear her calling for me in her happy after naptime voice. She'll smile and lunge for me when I quietly open the door to snatch her up without waking Henry. I have a whole lotta love.
I love being a mommy. While I've been blogging, Miss Evelyn has been creating another art project for me. It has brown curly hair, big blue eyes, and a cute body. She says it is my Christmas present. I love it. I love her too.
Today we ate homemade whole wheat blueberry muffins shaped like dinosaurs. The kids and Anthony thought they were yummy, and as I've said before, I felt like a good mommy for making healthy muffins. So very silly, but true.
Last night Anthony asked Henry if he's a big boy. Henry said, "Not yet." Henry has been so cute. He wants to kiss Vivian after she nurses, and he peeks his little face up to the crib slats. She giggles and kisses him back, then he offers baby T. Rex, Ev's pink baby bear, and a stuffed animal dog. Baby kisses those too with her mouth wide open. Their affection for one another is so endearing. I love watching them lovingly respond to one another. It sure beats the fighting that goes on half the time between my big girls. That said, they were gold star girls during mass. I was thankful.
I'm thankful for time with Anthony too. The kids have eaten his PEZ and Girl Scout cookies. They have played outside in the snow with him. He has laughed with them a lot. He took Vivian for me at bedtime the other night, and I heard him laughing in her room. He came out with a half naked girl and said, "I can't get her shirt off. She won't put her arms up." Olivia helped him. When he finally emerged with her in PJs he reported that on his first try he put them on backwards. On his second try he put her right arm in the left sleeve, and she was all twisted. He said she just went with it and looked at him like, "You really have no idea what you're doing, do you?" He gave her a dry diaper, and snapped her just right. His difficulties made me smile.
I hear her calling for me in her happy after naptime voice. She'll smile and lunge for me when I quietly open the door to snatch her up without waking Henry. I have a whole lotta love.